Three years ago we said goodbye to our first, adopted, senior Golden Lady. The day passed uneventfully with a bottle of wine and a few sighs. We were here in Phoenix on that day, so her last happy days were spent with the sun baking her bones and lots of attention from the many friends she made here in the valley. Her portrait is in a place of honor in our humble desert dwelling and I'll always remember how much she loved it here. I miss you my sweet girl.
Lady's special page
Lady - happy and wet - July 2008 |
...and I recall having just picked up a case of beer when I got your email saying she would be making her journey that afternoon -
I'm sure she was there to meet now Angel MERDIE! -
I'm also sure she's enjoying watching Big E work his golden magic!
Has it been 3 years already? In some ways it seems so long ago, other ways, like it just happened. Lady was truly unique with a special spark all her own -- that day you lost her, I felt like I had lost a dog too. I look forward to meeting her one day, and of course seeing all those she's keeping company with at the Rainbow bridge. But until that day comes, I raise my cup of tea to the amazing Lady~~Cheers!!!
I remember when that happened. Hugs and love and smiles to all the sweet memories.
Monty and Harlow
Rest in peace, beautiful Lady. I wish I'd known you.
Please give my Lady; my Flopsy; my Luke and my Bailey hugs and kisses for me. They all spent at least 9 years with me. They helped get me through some mighty years of struggles with major depression. Nine year old Thomas and 1 year old Stewart who are still helping me will see you all one day.
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