Sunday, December 20, 2009


Happiness and joy for my friends Linda and John. Logan is their new puppy and special boy. Sadness for the loss of Major, their male Golden; passed away just a couple of months ago.

"There were no answers to my questions.
But now I think he went away because you were coming".

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Hanging with Santa

Here is Lady reluctantly posing with Santa. Things were a little chaotic during the photo op. There were so many distractions. Santa just didn't want to move very far, so the creature with the smallest brain had to adjust. Oh well, must have been a long day for the fat guy. We did get to spend some quality time with Ollie the bulldog; running, sniffing and doing all the fun things two dogs that truly like each other do. That was so much fun. It really made our day!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I'm begining to discover many other Quality Golden sites - here is one of my favorites

Check out Sugar's list of friends and blogs. Awesome dog sites, no need to duplicate them here. PS: Sugar reminds me of our raccoon masked Lady Bug. Aren't senior Goldens just the best?!
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